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Showing posts with label live mesh. Show all posts

Saturday, May 03, 2008

BriefingsDirect Analyst Insights Podcast Examines WOA to SOA Continuum With Keen Eye on Cloud Computing

Edited transcript of periodic BriefingsDirect Analyst Insights Edition podcast, recorded April 24, 2008.

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Dana Gardner:
Hello, and welcome to the latest BriefingsDirect Analyst Insights Edition, Volume 28, a periodic discussion and dissection of software, services, cloud computing and related news and events with a panel of industry analysts and guests. I'm your host and moderator, Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions.

Our distinguished panel this week -- and this is the week of April 21, 2008 -- consists of Joe McKendrick, an independent analyst and prolific blogger. Welcome back, Joe.

Joe McKendrick: Thanks, Dana, happy to be here.

Gardner: We’re also joined by Jim Kobielus, senior analyst at Forrester Research. How do you do, Jim?

Jim Kobielus: Hi, Dana. Hi, everybody. Glad to be back in the saddle.

Gardner: Also joining us this week, Tony Baer, principal at onStrategies and also a prolific blogger. Welcome, Tony.

Tony Baer: Hey, Dana, good to hear you again.

Gardner: Also joining us is Brad Shimmin, principal analyst at Current Analysis. Hello, Brad.

Brad Shimmin: Hey there, Dana. Thanks for having us. Good to be back on the air with you as well.

Gardner: And making his debut on this particular podcast, Phil Wainewright. He is an independent analyst, the director of Procullux Ventures and a ZDNet blogger. Welcome to the show, Phil.

Phil Wainewright: Glad to be here, Dana.

Gardner: Our discussion this week will focus on several recent news events. We've seen the Live Mesh announcement from Microsoft -- and that came on the heels of the Application Engine from Google.

So, we're going to look at those. We're also going to put this discussion in the context of some recent back-and-forth blogging and some discussion about leadership around the intersection relationship between Web-oriented architecture (WOA) or "webby applications" and their environment and support technologies, as well as traditional services-oriented architecture (SOA).

I'm going to start with you, Tony. You just came out in the last day or two with a blog that referred to WOA as a "lowest common denominator." I wonder if you could help us understand what you mean by that.

Baer: My sense of it is that it’s technologies that are basically extremely accessible and relatively simple, and you don’t have a very complicated stack to wade through. They're technologies that have been around with Web developers for five to ten years, and, in that sense, it’s very much like Ajax, in that these are technologies that are there are and, guess what, we’ve found new ways to repurpose them.

We're using HTTP, plain old XML, and a RESTful style of service requests to essentially make the Web more dynamic, almost an application-centric environment. What it lacks is the perceived complexity or what would be considered as a capital "S" SOA, which should be the Web services stack. I've lost count of the number of standards or proposed standards. I know on the Wikipedia page, they list about 80. I think Linthicum has quoted numbers close to a couple of hundred.

Again, it’s part of a back-to-basics backlash against complexity, whether you’re perceived correctly or not. Like Ajax, it’s just have a loosey-goosey collection of things that were already out there.

Gardner: So, from your reference point, "lowest common denominator" isn't necessarily derogatory or a bad thing, but is inclusive and perhaps a positive.

Baer: If it gets you the information you need, who cares about how ugly it is?

Gardner: Okay, let’s take this to Brad Shimmin next. Brad, we have seen some opportunity now, public APIs, Web Services, even platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings. We all have seen Live Mesh from Microsoft, which I guess you can call a direct re-interoperability as a service function. What is relationship between WOA and SOA? Are they exclusive or are they separate? Can they overlap? How do you view that?

Shimmin: I just see the two as different sides of the same Rubik’s Cube that you can mix up and make into a complete absolute mess if you want to. Or, you can see them as highly simplified, depending on your viewpoint. If you are a developer, building an app that’s just going to run on the Web and you want to avail yourself of the benefits of SOA, you are probably going to want to use REST, because of its simplicity and applicability to services that are running on the wire or on the Web.

I see it as a continuum, the Rubik’s Cube continuum, if you will. But, now things are coming out of Google and Microsoft and I don’t see those two as being competitive with one another or similar, but as a representation of a very fast moving, huge wave.

We're being inundated right now from a number of vendors who are really pushing hard to make use of the Web as not just a form of connectivity, but as an actual platform for the services and software that we consume -- whether you are a consumer using Live Mesh to synchronize your computers or you’re an IT department looking to extend your B2B network without having to go to a VAN provider.

Gardner: Now, Phil Wainewright, you cover software as a service (SaaS) diligently. I'm not wedded to the term WOA. I'm happy with "webby applications" or 'web-facing technologies." Do you think that with these announcements from the cloud providers, you’re better off availing yourself of them as an enterprise or a service provider organization? Is there a benefit from a WOA perspective for absorbing and using these Web-based or cloud-based services, or are good old SOA technology and approaches just as good.

Wainewright: We really shouldn’t try and separate these two phenomena, because they are two sides of the same coin or two facets of the same Rubik’s Cube. To deliver something using WOA, any kind of serious provider is going to need to instantiate that within a SOA. So, there’s going to be SOA underneath a WOA provider.

We're going to look a little bit stupid if we start to debate the difference between one artificial term that we have created and another artificial term we have created. Really, it is just about services that you use within a certain set of protocols, which are really based on the Web anyway.

We are realizing that what was taught or asked as SOA within the enterprise is actually something that we can do in the WOA Web. If we do it an environment where there are lots of different participants who all play very different rules, then you do need a lowest common denominator approach to put everything together.

That’s why the emphasis now is on doing things using REST rather than SOA, trying to keep it as simple as possible and as standards-based as possible, and exposing things in a simple way, rather than making it really complex.

Gardner: Now, Jim Kobielus, you’ve been known as a wordsmith. If we're using artificial designations with WOA and SOA, but we still want to recognize this lowest common denominator benefit to tie some of these up together, what typically we should call this lowest common denominator approach?

Kobielus: Before I answer that, let me just peel the onion. I agree with what Phil Wainewright just said, which is that we’ll see SOA underneath a WOA provider. That is crystal clear to me. It’s already happening in my core area, which is data warehousing. The delivery layer or the front-end presentation layer of most business intelligence (BI) or data warehousing environments is going to go WOA or REST or Web 2.0, however you look at it.

So the middle persistence layer, the primary interface there, is not so much SOA or WOA, but SQL for querying data in databases and in OLAP cubes, etc. Then, what I call the "ingest layer" that extracts data from the sources and brings them into the data warehouses has a bit of SOA, bit of ESB, bit of EAI, and EPL.

So, looking at the big picture here, the whole notion of this is simply that cloud services is a convergence term, or should be, because the cloud that all of these paradigms inhabit is a multi paradigm cloud and they are co-existing in various ways. It’s a semi-permeable membrane between these organisms that live in the same soup or the same cloud.

Gardner: Maybe a common factor here is that we are extending and deepening the value we extract from widely embraced standards.

We wouldn’t be able to extend the lowest common denominator, the cloud, or improved SOA conceptually across more assets, resources, and infrastructure in middleware, if we didn’t have some either de-facto or established standards.

Let’s go to you Joe McKendrick. How do you see this? Are we really talking about the result of a lot of standards work in the acceptance and need for standards over the past 20 years?

McKendrick: Exactly, Dana. There are a lot of complaints about what's happening with standards these days. As Tony pointed out, there are anywhere between 80 to 200 standards that are evolving, particularly in the SOA-Web services space, as we know it. But, looking back over a 20-year horizon, we see that things have come a long way. We have HTTP, for example, and the rise of the Web.

I'm going to borrow a bit from Dion Hinchcliffe. He calls the whole Web 2.0 cloud phenomenon "The Global SOA." We have the standards and services that could be built using these standards out in the cloud. That essentially will function as one humongous universal SOA. Bringing that down to WOA, you could look at SOA, as it’s enacted within organizations, as a WOA island, or an internal cloud.

I have heard the phrase "my cloud" applied to an internal instantiation. SOA essentially acts as internal cloud within organizations. I think that’s a good way to sell SOA. I know there has been a lot of difficulty selling the concept to the business, and you can explain to the business that SOA is actually cloud computing, a SaaS enacted within the organization. Your business units no longer have to worry about building their own services or their own interfaces. You have this secure cloud service that exists within the boundaries of your enterprise.

Gardner: Okay, so we have standards and, of course, the funny thing about standards is that some are more standard than others or more accepted than others. What I think I hear you saying is that there is this private cloud or SOA activity in an enterprise, and the standards by which that functions can be the choice of that organization or perhaps what they have been left with as a result of their legacy and on-going IT adoption over the years.

Then, there is this public cloud, WOA, or extended global SOA, which is based on those standards that are accepted by a larger group, perhaps from a social networking perspective, the anointed standards from the social technical graph. What do you think, Phil Wainewright, are we talking about sort of tiers of standards here?

Wainewright: Well, I was listening to what Joe said and it kind of crystallized in my mind. WOA is actually SOA that works, because, as you said, you can build a SOA in your own organization with your internally defined standards. I am thinking back to the fact that the SOA required standards so that two SOA implementations can work with each other.

These internal SOAs are actually nonsense, because they are totally internalized and they can't interact with the outside world. If you want to actually take advantage of all the resources that have been on the Web, if you want to interact with people in other organizations or with computer systems or database resources that other organizations are making available, you have to go to WOA.

That's the SOA that works. The reason it works is because it’s been implemented using standards that everyone actually understands and haven’t got the latitude to define for themselves.

Perhaps this is the moment when all those kind of people who have been building all these wonderful SOA infrastructures within their organizations -- for whatever it was they thought people were going to do at the end of the day -- are really going to meet their nemesis.

Gardner: Okay, so we have a set of SOA principles and standards that have a certain internal maybe even extranet type of a flavor, but in order for those islands to work well across other islands or to avail themselves of highly cost-efficient cloud service that are made available by such notables as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM, eBay, EMC and Apple, you need to go to this higher common denominator, accepted level of standards.

Tony Baer, do you think we’re getting close to what’s the proper understanding of WOA/SOA and what should come next?

Baer: The way Phil was characterizing WOA as "SOA that works" and the way Joe characterized SOA as basically the internal cloud, kind of the rang bells rang here. It was like, "Aha! Yeah, that’s really what it’s about." It seems like what we are sailing into is these tiers of granularity.

If you are going out to the wider world, you go out to the wider world of the standards that have already been there for years, where we don’t need a learning curve. And, it makes sense, because the more sources you deal with, the lower your common denominator has to be. You need to basically widen the gate there. The way Joe and Phil put it really sums up how these are settling out. So, that makes a lot of sense.

Gardner: Alright, so perhaps from the user-centric, developer-centric, and even the disrupter-centric viewpoint, that being the cloud, the new cloud providers are happy to embrace these more open or common-denominator standards. On the other hand, there are vendors who are established that have incumbency and perhaps have business models to protect.

So, there could be some tension here between the SOA as an internal cloud and the WOA as the more external, more highly interoperable cloud. What do you make of that, Brad Shimmin? Are we are going to have some tension here between the incumbents and the user/developers/disrupters?

Shimmin: If IBM is any indicator of things to come, I would say no. It’s simply going to be the established firms taking advantage of the situation and partnering with or building up their own infrastructures for delivering RESTful-based Web-Service applications

Gardner: It doesn’t seem like they have too much of a choice, right?

Shimmin: Absolutely not, and if you look at companies like BEA -- Cape Clear was one of the first actually -- they’re in the application for SOA structure’s base. They are climbing over themselves to REST enable all of their APIs, strangely enough, starting with their governance tools and then moving to their more messaging-oriented software.

So they are REST enabling all the software, actively partnering with service providers to help them, and enabling ISVs to build apps that use their technologies. BEA and Progress Software have well-established ISV programs for customers to build out these SaaS apps.

Gardner: Alright, I think we're looking at a period of some disruption, particularly on the business-model side. So, if there is this great sucking sound that the Web as a platform is defining what is productive, what can be done cost effectively?

You can produce and put apps up on Amazon or Google or other alternatives. That’s kind of an offer you can’t refuse, if you are a startup or if you are an internal development organization within an enterprise and you have limited funds, but you want to accomplish something. These are very enticing opportunities to take the logic to the cloud, perhaps even do the tooling and development in the cloud, produce something, and then pay for that as it produces revenue or is in demand.

So, given the disruption on the business model side – again, good news for developers and users and disrupters -- isn’t there a risk if this happens too quickly for folks like IBM, TIBCO, and perhaps SAP? What do you think about that Phil?

Wainewright: One of the things it’s going to expose is that the WOA world is still in some early days and that there are quite a lot that the providers have got to get it right in terms of a service level commitments and in terms of what they are billing for their services, how they are establishing the robustness or reliability of a data feed, and of course, the security stuff.

Before these providers become highly competitive for the established enterprise vendors, there is some work that has to be done. But having said that, if you look at the more established players like Intuit, QuickBase, and and as well as the attractions for doing stuff on Amazon EC2, a fair bit of enterprise use is already being made of these capabilities.

Gardner: So perhaps the period of some mutual harmony with the older providers continuing to provide services value, perhaps maintenance and ongoing technical support for the SOA cloud as Joe referred to it, but also a new opportunity and competition in the higher level cloud. Let’s go back to Tony Baer, what are we missing in all this? Is there something that needs to happen in order for harmony between the WOA providers and the SOA providers?

Baer: I think Phil was hinting at that. I was just thinking about which part of what was supposed to be the appeal. Part of the problem of the Web services stack is that it tries to be very ambitious in terms of what it has tried to accomplish within that technology stack. Not only did it provide a service request to providers, or conversation infrastructure, but also tried to internalize all the types of security, reliability, transactionality, that traditionally were internal to application or database silos.

The need for those services and those guarantees of robustness doesn't go away, but the question is, where do you implement them? It’s one thing to request a transaction that's not humongously mission critical. But, at some point, you're going to need to ensure that the requester is authenticated and is authorized. If you were going to make this a business, you have to ensure that you maintain service levels. This is very data- transaction focused. You need those transaction guarantees, guarantees of roll back, etc.

I still haven’t figured out the answers to this yet, but my sense is that, if we are going to try and do this and do this on top of a lowest common denominator stack, you can't expect to internalize that within that lowest common denominator stack. You have to apply this externally.

A harbinger of that kind of approach is in some of these new enterprise mashup sandboxes that folks like IBM and Serena and a whole bunch of others are now trying to set up. We recognize that within the sandbox we will make it easy for you to do what you want to do, but we will put external controls to make it safe for enterprise consumption.

I don't have the answers to how this is going to happen, but controls over service levels, security and all that sort of thing will have to be externalized to the WOA stack, if you want to call it a stack.

Gardner: So, clearly there's a set of issues that needs to be thought through and those are thorny around transactional activities or mission criticality, absolute delivery, and guaranteed delivery. Performance levels need to be maintained and there will be compliance and regulatory impacts in that space as well. So let’s talk about data.

Let’s go back to Jim Kobielus. On the issue of data, when it comes to the lowest common denominator or cloud based, isn't there an opportunity for data to become a little bit more inclusive of WOA. Can we exploit the benefits of the cloud, either services or the repository in the cloud and virtualized data repositories, before we have to deal with the thorny transactional set.

Kobielus: Right. In the discussion that we had on SOA versus WOA, I've seen everybody tune into the issue. Offering transactional applications is the primary focus of much of what's going on. In terms of analytical applications, on the analytical data sets and where they are hosted and so forth in the cloud, that’s a big virgin territory that’s beginning to be opened up by, among others, Microsoft.

I was just on the phone with Microsoft yesterday about their SQL server data services, basically database in the cloud offering, which is in limited beta. They plan to go production in 2009. They were keying into an issue that I heard Tony talk about a moment ago that, as you externalize more of these sources into the cloud in an SaaS environment, the controls, whether internal to the cloud or external, are critically important.

Right now, SQL server data service is just a subset of the premises-based SQL server 2005 functionality. Microsoft recognizes that, as they bring it along to more production, they are going to need to build in the 24/7 service level guarantees and all of the security and other mission critical features that customers have come to demand and the premises based version of that particular database.

So, as you go out into the cloud then, that’s a huge open issue. First and foremost is what I call DW2.0, light-weight data warehousing. Microsoft is not the only one in the space. There is Zoho and a few others. It's very light weight, not really mission- or enterprise-grade data warehousing capability, hosting structured data sets in the cloud and then making them available for analytics such as reporting and dashboard. You can wait for this to play out, before these cloud-based data warehouses achieve some degree of functional parity and robustness, comparable to the premises-based offerings that enterprises everywhere have already implemented.

Gardner: Right, but part of the rationale for embracing the Web-tier, cloud-tier of interoperability is, because you can play across ecologies, be inclusive of more partners, allow for SOAs and applications sets within organizations to be more interruptible, then it’s not just going to be analytics. Why not put data in the cloud, because you want to share certain data on a privileged basis with other people and create layers of metadata that can then make for highly productive business processes.

Kobielus: Exactly. Microsoft is positioning SQL Server Data Services (SSDS) supposedly for B2B integration scenarios and also for the mid-market, but is very much focused primarily right now on transactional applications, database applications and so forth.

Microsoft has very much bought into the whole data services vision. They have a very strong one going forward. With WOA, they're at the front and center of it. When I say "front and center," it's in that delivery, access, presentation, sharing, and synchronization layer, leveraging things like Live Mesh and so forth, going forward in their road map.

So, WOA is very big on the front end. On the back end of SSDS, they are very keen and hot on SOA, and everything SOA implies. But, they're not really keen on exposing all of that SOA natively to their target customer, which is a mid-market or a small company that doesn’t have the technical resources or the skills to do programming in a real fixed SOA stack. They prefer to virtualizes all of that stuff and have WOA be that simple front end.

Gardner: Now, when you’re talk about standards in Microsoft, we have to look also at tradition, with Microsoft wanting to establish its own standards, ones that continue its strength and extend its strength into other areas. I think we've seen another example of that most recently with Live Mesh, in that it’s got interoperability across devices, two way communication using RSS and Atom, and other technologies that we would consider WOA technologies. But again, to a subset of the overall device environment or the software and standards environment.

So, let’s go to Joe McKendrick. Do you think that, as Microsoft moves into the cloud, it’s going to fully embrace the lowest common denominator, or perhaps attempt to take its platform approach and extend it into the Web?

McKendrick: Well, you can definitely see Microsoft moving in that direction. Jim made some excellent observations about what's going on in the SQL server space. Microsoft is in a difficult position here, because most of its revenues come off of the traditional, onsite, resident software stack, Windows, the Window server and Window’s client, the Office Suite, the SQL server onsite. If you look at its revenue pictures, billions and billions come out of that stack.

So Microsoft has to be out there, talking about changing the paradigm of computing, which runs against its revenue stream.

Gardner: Alright, I agree with you 100 percent. Let’s put that in the context of its pursuit of Yahoo. Microsoft is seeking to buy Yahoo for approximately $40 billion and Yahoo doesn’t want them to.

Brad Shimmin, if you recall when this was announced on February 1, people were scratching their head and saying, "What, is Microsoft crazy? What are they doing?" I think that over the last couple of months, it started to make more sense. Do you think that the Yahoo component can help Microsoft bridge this crosscurrent, as Joe described it?

Shimmin: I do, and it’s interesting, isn't it. When that was first announced, I think most people thought this was an advertising play and a play for eyeballs, but it seems after looking at releases like Live Mesh that it’s really more about the connectivity services that already exist within Yahoo. They have a broad audience that Microsoft would like to capitalize on, because, when you look at the numbers between MSN and Yahoo, it’s a staggering difference, both in terms of the people who use those services and the number of services available.

For example, the Yahoo mashup server or mashup tool they have is one of those things that Microsoft could easily pull into Live Mesh and make a part of that. Live Mesh, in a way, is a response to some of that. Steve Ballmer, a week or so ago, said something like, "The desktop doesn't matter anymore. It’s the network that matters." This harkens back to something Sun Microsystems said some 20-odd years ago.

Gardner: And, what about Ken Olsen, he said that the PC was a toy, and he had been ridiculed for it, but we are beginning to come back to that, aren’t we?

Shimmin: Exactly. It has come a full circle. Microsoft is running here and running back to the past, if you will, but, as we were just talking about, they have a significant investment that they need to protect. When I look at Live Mesh, I see that as a protection of that system of the desktop and the applications themselves. It is really what Apple has been doing for the last three or four years with OS X, with their Sync Technology, just expanding it a little bit, and dropping some Atom and RSS on top of it.

Gardner: Kind of Hailstorm, Chapter Two?

Shimmin: Right. When you look at what they have been doing with their Office applications, in terms of enabling those to utilize the web, they have been extremely slow in doing so, and are just now sort of picking up where the companies like Zoho have gone light years beyond.

Gardner: You hit upon an interesting issue, Brad, discussing the fact that the cloud compute value isn't just in low-cost per compute tick or for storage per hour, but that there is also this notion of an audience, and the metadata associated with that audience. All those end-users can be provisioned, perhaps quite powerfully and at massive scale, both scaling up and down in terms of the massive size of the possible audience, but the granularity of the service provision to them is another value that Microsoft perhaps sees in Yahoo.

Let’s go to Phil Wainewright with this. Are we talking about cloud computing, not so much functionally, but as a way of bringing together applications, companies, services and the end-users?

Wainewright: I think there is a social dimension to cloud computing, because there is a social dimension to the Web. Looking at if from a WOA perspective -- I do hate these acronyms, especially when we start to turn them into words, but anyway, let’s go with that.

We looked at if from a WOA perspective and what you are actually doing is looking at it also from a social and a user perspective. SOA always tended to be about linking our systems together, and once we’ve done that, it was then what do users actually want, and the business case was often quite a long way in the thinking.

So, cloud computing is good because you have to put the service out there. You have to think about where the people are going to use it. The problem I have with a lot of the kind of Web 2.0 space is that getting eyeballs is the name of the game, and people aren’t really thinking about what the commercial proposition is and in what way are you actually delivering value and making revenue.

That’s why I'm a little skeptical about how much value there is for Microsoft in the Yahoo acquisition, because I hear Steve Ballmer and other Microsoft leaders talking about advertising as a major fund revenue stream.

The amount of money that is available in advertising is virtually nothing compared to the amount of money that is available in transactions as a whole, if you are providing value to businesses. I think there is a great more revenue potential there than simply enabling businesses to get close to the consumers.

Gardner: Okay. You put your finger on something here. It's not just the advertising revenue, but the potential transactional revenue by linking up these constituencies, providing the scale up and down, and giving the developers the opportunity to originally create applications to feed this kind of cycle. If somebody has taken a big portion of the transaction across these activities, that’s a much more sizable market, than the advertising market.

Gardner: Anybody want to react to that?

Baer: I definitely agree that transactions are where the money is, but I think that we need to be careful not to fall into the trap of these B2B exchanges of about nine or ten years ago, when we thought that that was going to be the future of commerce. Instead, it was basically trying to institute a practice that was going against 20 years of supply-chain management and partner management trends. I think we need to watch out there to avoid getting ahead of ourselves with the hype.

Gardner: You've also put your finger on something. What will be the future of commerce in the WOA-SOA linked world, where internal business networks and resources and assets can, at a highly automated level, with full scaling, security and reliability, start interacting with the cloud and therefore, with the end-users. It's really an automation of commerce. What's going to come next? Any idea?

Kobielus: I agree with everybody that Microsoft needs to pursue Yahoo just to keep on building up that audience, because obviously it's an eyeball decision in the whole Web 2.0, eCommerce arena.

Gardner: And that’s because they missed the boat on search, right?

Kobielus: Right. If you look at it, and I agree with what everybody said, transactions are the money to be made from connecting those eyeballs/wallets to transactions. It's where the Web 2.0 money will primarily be made.

In a sense, tracking eyeballs is instrumental to both connecting those wallets to transaction, but also connecting those eyeballs and the brains behind them to the intelligence and the analytics that are out there, selling that service as well. Microsoft is providing not only business intelligence, but market intelligence, consumer intelligence and so forth into the cloud.

McKendrick: Let me add to that. It's going to be changing the nature of organizations internally as well, not only on a B2B basis. The dot-coms that you saw arise in the 1990s all had to buy their infrastructure. They needed to buy Sun servers and everything else to support their operations. Now startups especially can just tap into the infrastructure and services that are available across the cloud and offer up these services to their consumers.

I’ll leave with an example. If you look at the Amazon Web services site, look at some of their case studies. There is a company -- a podcast service company, as a matter of fact -- Online Podcast Service, that was able to start up with a full-fledged infrastructure that cost a total of $82 for the first two months for storage, processing, messaging, everything they needed.

Gardner: I agree. There is the whole middle layer of the applications and services right before an explosion -- sort of what we are seeing on our trees and in our lawns these days in April -- that can create a very fertile environment. But, that environment exists within the confines of someone’s cloud. That cloud can interoperate significantly, but the metadata that ties the constituencies together can be manifested across these relationships at a price.

McKendrick: Dana, you just sent a shiver up my backbone here, because what I see in my lawn are tons of mushrooms. So, when I put mushrooms in clouds in the same sentence, I have a shiver running down my spine.

Gardner: Maybe the English language isn’t sufficient to keep up with the technology concept?

Shimmin: I am disposed to use WOA as a word, I guess. I've seen two examples in the last couples of days that speak to what seems to be a growing future for this sort of commerce that you are talking about. I don’t know if you got to see this, but Sun’s Solaris On Demand program that they launched a couple days ago, is really about enabling ISVs to make their applications and to host them on either Sun’s network or on Sun’s partner’s networks. In either case, Sun takes a cut from both the partner and the ISV for being the middleman -- the provider of some technology and some supported services for those other datacenters.

Gardner: We're going to have to wrap this up pretty quickly now, but we haven’t discussed the whole mobile tier, and the fact that many more consumers entering their metadata continuously about what their wants, needs, desires and what they are willing to pay money for, will come through a mobile device, not necessarily a PC or even a browser. This offers yet a much larger global audience potential for what these clouds can pull off. Anybody wanted to discuss very quickly, the mobile edge impact on this before we close up for the day?

Wainewright: I’ve made a couple of observations,. The mobile Web is not going to exist as a separate thing. It’s just going to be the Web as we experience it on PCs.

Gardner: Right.

Wainewright: So, that's was interesting for two reasons. Yes, the way it is going to be available on mobile devices. We are going hook into a mobile, but it’s going to look much more like the Web that we are already used to rather than some kind of completely separate thing.

Gardner: Excellent.

Kobielus: A lot like a Live Mesh.

Wainewright: Indeed, and I think that the genius of Live Mesh is that Microsoft has really created in Live Mesh a bridge that enables it to take the cloud rather than being something that’s up there on the Web, but to bring it down and envelop the desktop as well, which then gives it a transition bridge to bring it’s own products into the cloud.

Gardner: But in doing so with a certain risk by not being inclusive of all the different permutations of how that could be done.

Wainewright: I think it's going to do more permutations. It’s has come right with the Microsoft-only implementation, because this is the first release. We will see how much effort it puts into making Mesh available on other platforms; that’s going to be a big test of how successful it will be in the long term.

Gardner: Well, thanks. We're going to have to close it out here. Tony Baer and I had a quick discussion at IBM Impact a couple of weeks ago about how the thought process is so much richer when you’ve got a group of bright and educated people like you all.

So I appreciate the group thing. I think we have been able to solidify and even move the needle a little bit on some of these concepts. I hope the readers and listeners appreciate that. So, I want to thank our panel. Once again we have had Joe McKendrick. Thanks, Joe.

McKendrick: Thanks, Dana. Glad to be here.

Gardner: Jim Kobielus. Thanks, Jim.

Kobielus: Oh, it’s been a pleasure once again.

Gardner: Tony Baer, I appreciate your input.

Baer: Nice to be back.

Gardner: Great to have you here, Brad Shimmin.

Shimmin: Thank you, Dana.

Gardner: Well, once again, welcome to Phil Wainewright, and we certainly hope you come back again.

Wainewright: Thanks very much, Dana. It’s been a pleasure being here.

Gardner: This is Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions. You have been listening to the latest BriefingsDirect Analyst Insights edition, Volume 28. Please come back and listen next time.

Listen to the podcast here.

Edited transcript of software services, cloud computing and related trends and analysis discussion. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC, 2005-2008. All rights reserved.